

Please ensure you have installed the latest version of our plugin 4.6 or higher.

To know more on how to install the latest plugin please follow this guide

Step 1

Install and activate Polylang from your dashboard

Step 2

Install and activate Hyyan WooCommerce from your dashboard

Step 3

Go to Language and select the language that you want to add. Once added, everything will be filled out automatically.

Step 4

Go to the builder and click update to sync the words on the application with the Polylang plugin

Step 5

English and Arabic are auto-translated, if you would like to translate a different language here is how;

First method : You can download this file and translate the words inside then mail us the file at [email protected] And we will add the language to the application.

The second method: A- From the “Language” tab select “String translation” B- Choose (Application text ) From the menu and press Filter C- Start translating the strings required for your application.

Step 6

If you have more than 1 language in your application, make sure to create products for all the languages and link them correctly to each other.

Step 7

Go back to the builder and click on Refetch Products & Categories to show the new products that have been added

Step 8

Now that you have enabled the translation, you can choose the preferred language you would like to use for your application

Step 9

You should be able to find the products and categories that you have assigned to the language chosen.

Last updated