Push Notification

Step 1

open this link https://firebase.google.com/

Step 2

Add your project name then select Continue

Step 3

Enable Google Analytics for this project then select Continue

Step 4

Choose your analytics location and accept the Google Analytics terms then press Create project

Step 5

Head to project overview and select Android

Step 6

Add Package Name, watch this video to learn how to find the Package Name

Step 7

Download the JSON file and click next

Step 8

Click next

Step 9

Click continue to console

Step 10

Back to your Firebase profile, hover over the setting icon then select project settings

Step 11

Select cloud messaging and Then click on the three dots below

Step 12

Then, click on Manage API in Google Cloud Console

Step 13

Step 14

Back to cloud messaging, refresh the page then copy the server key and sender ID

Step 15

Head back to the Builder and go to Application Settings

Step 16

Scroll down till you reach the Notification settings section( server key and sender ID and Upload the JSON File) and paste the data there then Press Update

Step 17

Swipe up and click on the Push Notifications icon

Step 18

You will find that all the data are now activated

Step 19

Start Publishing your Notifications and Type in the notification title and Message.

Step 20

from here You can use the emoji

Step 21

Select the user you want to send the message to, then press send

Step 22

Once you click send, a message will be sent to the user on the mobile like this

Step 23

Once you click send, here is a preview of the notification inside the application

Last updated